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《阳关三叠》Qin Melody: Three Iterations of Yang Guan

​by Jing Guan 作者:静观

(Photo of the Former Site of Yang Guan 阳关故址照片)

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Yang Guan used to be an important western border pass of Tang dynasty.


"Yang Guan San Die"(means "Three Iterations of Yang Guan"). Which is an ancient Chinese Qin melody, also known as "Wei Cheng Qu"(Wei Cheng Melody) and "Yang Guan Qu,"(Yang Guan Melody) is based on the poem "Song Yuan Er Shi An Xi" (Farewell to Yuan Er for his trip to An Xi) by the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei.

(picture of Wang Wei sending off Yuan Er 王维送别元二图)

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The original poem "Song Yuan Er Shi Anxi" can be appreciated as follows:

渭城朝雨浥轻尘, In the morning rain at Wei Cheng, the light dust is moistened,

客舍青青柳色新。 In the guesthouse, the fresh green willows are vibrant.

劝君更进一杯酒, I urge you to have another cup of wine,

西出阳关无故人。As you head west beyond Yang Guan, there will be no old friends.


Background of the Poem: Wang Wei lived during a historical period in the Tang Dynasty when there were increasing conflicts with minority ethnic groups on the border of the Western Regions. The "An Lushan Rebellion" erupted, leading to a large-scale mobilization of troops from the border regions. This poem is believed to have been composed when Wang Wei was bidding farewell to his friend "Yuan Er," who was about to leave for the An Xi region. In ancient times, communication was difficult, and after parting ways, friends could be separated by thousands of miles. Yuan Er was heading to the battlefield and Wang Wei was growing old. He wasn't sure if he would ever see his friend again, so he had to put his feelings for his dear friend into poetry. (According to records, Wang Wei passed away less than six years after bidding farewell to Yuan Er, and it's unknown if they ever reunited during his lifetime.)

(c.742 CE) Tang Dynasty territory and inspection circuits. (公元742年) 唐代领土和巡视区域。

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The melody "Yang Guan San Die" was composed during the Tang Dynasty and consists of three sections, each of which includes the original four lines of the poem along with additional lyrics. The line "西出阳关无故人" (As you head west beyond Yangguan, there will be no old friends) is repeated three times in the melody, hence the name "Yang Guan San Die," which translates to "Three Iterations of Yang Guan."


Here are different versions of the lyrics for "Yangguan San Die" from various historical sources:

(picture of Yangchun Baixue 《阳春白雪集》图)

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Yuan Dynasty, "Yangchun Baixue Ji"(The Collection of White Snow in the Early Sparing):

In the morning rain at Weicheng, a brief shower moistens the light dust, The guesthouse is adorned with fresh green willows, making the scenery anew. I urge you not to worry anymore! Have another cup of wine. In life, wealth and fame are predestined; Do not let your appearance wither in vain. I urge you not to worry anymore! Have another cup of wine. I'm only afraid that as you head west beyond Yangguan, The old memories will seem like a dream, and there will be no old friends. I'm only afraid that as you head west beyond Yangguan, There will be no old friends.

(picture of Qin Xue Ru Men 《琴学入门》图)

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Qing Dynasty, "Qin Xue Ru Men "(Beginner's guide to Qin):

"In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces.

Through frosty nights and frosty mornings,

Hastening onward, hastening onward,

Over long distances, crossing through passes and barriers,

I regret the toil of your body.

Enduring hardship, enduring hardship,

Enduring endless hardships, you should cherish yourself,

You should cherish yourself.

In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces.

Lingering with reluctance, unable to part,

Tears fall and wet the handkerchief,

No longer having a kindred spirit.

Feeling deep emotions, feeling deep emotions,

Thinking of you every moment of the twenty-four-hour day.

Two stars each in their own realm,

Who can accompany whom, who can accompany whom,

Who can truly accompany whom, as the day rushes on.

My spirit races to you, my spirit races to you.

In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces!

Lush greenery spreads like a carpet.

Fine wine, fine wine,

Before tasting, the heart is already mellow.

Traveling on a galloping steed, traveling on a galloping steed,

When will we talk again about the revolving carriage wheel,

How many rounds of wine can you pour?

A thousand rounds are not enough,

Our innermost thoughts are hard to erase, and the boundless sorrow lingers.

The Chu lands and the Xiang River are separated by distant shores,

Hoping to soon entrust my feelings to a swan's feather.

Send me letters, send me letters, send me letters frequently.

We are as families; we are as families.

Alas! From now on, we part ways,

Separated by distance, our mutual longing enters our dreams frequently,

Waiting to hear the carrier geese arrive."

(picture of Qin Xue Ru Men 《琴学入门》图)

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第壹段 对景增悲


第贰段 擎樽话别


第叁段 祖道难分



Ming Dynasty, "Zhen Chuan Zheng Zong Qin Pu"(authentic and traditional qin score):

Verse 1: A Grief-Enhancing View

The willows at the long pavilion gently lean,

In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces.

The willows at the long pavilion gently lean,

Heartaches, heartaches, on the ancestral road sent you off.

Parting at the Six-mile Pavilion, emotions run deep, so deep,

Feelings are deepest, I cannot bear to part, cannot bear to part.

Verse 2: Raising the Goblet in Farewell

In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces.

Carrying baggage, a wine flask at the sandy shore,

Bringing wine along to the long pavilion.

A thousand miles in a foot, yet my heart is already intoxicated,

Who could understand this sorrow?

Alas, so pitiful, so pitiful,

So very pitiful, I cannot bear to leave, cannot bear to leave.

Verse 3: The Difficulty of Separation on the Ancestral Road

In Wei City, morning rain bathes the light dust,

The guesthouse, with its fresh green willow shades anew.

I urge you to have another glass of wine,

Heading west beyond the Yang Pass, there are no familiar faces.

Pity those who are like Shang and Shen,

Sending their grievance on silk and Tong wood,

But how could they resist the pain in this scenery?

Grieve for the advancing banners,

Grieve for the advancing banners,

Without knowing when you will return.

Drinking this fragrant wine,

The fragrant wine is limited, this sorrow is boundless.

A heartache, we separated like Chu lands and Xiang River and distant stars,

Hoping to soon entrust my feelings to a swan's feather.

Deepest of feelings, deepest of feelings,

Feelings are the deepest, how can I bear to part, how can I bear to part.


From now on, after this parting,

Two places, a myriad of longings, who will share these sentiments?

Master Wu Yin plays Yang Guan San Die




Translated by ChatGPT 3.5


Editing & Proofreading: Jing Guan


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