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[Guqinists]Shi Kuang [琴师]师旷

By Jing Guan 本文作者:静观

A statue of Shi Kuang made by modern Chinese people.



Shi Kuang, styled Ziye, was a native of the state of Jin.

Born blind, yet he was profoundly learned and well-versed in ancient culture.

Centered on the Dao, he offered frank advice without concealing any criticisms.

It is said that he once served as the Grand Preceptor of the Jin state,

Contributing to the governance of Jin,

Shi Kuang was far from being merely a musician or a qin player.

He possessed an all-encompassing knowledge of music,

Predicting fortunes and misfortunes, victories and defeats.

When news reached the Jin people that the Chu state was raising an army, Shi Kuang remarked:

"No harm. I first played the tune of the northern wind, and then the tune of the southern wind.

The southern wind lacks a competitive spirit, producing mostly faint sounds,

Chu will labor in vain and achieve nothing." And indeed, it happened as he foresaw.

To the extent that he was spoken of as playing the qin in communion with divine beings,

For generations to come, when discussing music, Shi Kuang's name would invariably be mentioned.

A map during Spring and Autumn period (Click picture to source page)



In the beginning, Duke Ling of Wei was about to travel to the state of Jin. He lodged by the bank of the Pu River. In the middle of the night, he heard the sound of a qin being played. He asked those around him, and they all said they hadn't heard anything. So, he summoned Shi Juan and inquired about the reason. He also said, "The music sounded like the music of ghosts and deities. Please listen carefully and record it for me."

Shi Juan said, "Yes."

The next day, Shi Juan said, "I have recorded it, but I haven't practiced it yet. Please allow me to practice it tonight."

As a result, the group stayed for another night.

The following day, Shi Juan reported, "I have practiced it thoroughly."

Drawing of an ancient person and a crane by Master Wu Yin



They set out for the state of Jin to meet Duke Ping of Jin.

Duke Ping arranged a feast on the Shihui Terrace.

As the wine flowed freely, Duke Ling of Wei said:

"During this visit, I've heard a new melody.

Please allow my musician to perform for you."

Immediately, he commanded Shi Juan to play the qin.

Before the piece was completed, Shi Kuang gently touched the strings of the qin and stopped, saying:

"This is the sound of a fallen state, it mustn't be heard."

Duke Ping of Jin asked, "Why do you say that?"

Shi Kuang replied, "This is a composition by Shi Yan.

King Zhou of Shang was fond of extravagant music, and King Wu campaigned against him.

Shi Yan fled to the east and died by throwing himself into the Pu River.

Therefore, wherever this melody is heard, it must be by the banks of the Pu River."

Duke Ping of Jin said, "I wish to hear the entire piece."

Shi Juan continued to play until the music came to an end.

Duke Ping asked, "What is this mode?"

Shi Kuang said, "This is called 'Qing Shang,' 'Qing Zhi' is better than this."

Duke Ping had Shi Kuang play "Qing Zhi."

At the start of the piece, sixteen black cranes gathered at the corridor gate;

As the music continued, the cranes stretched their necks and cried, spreading their wings and dancing.

Duke Ping was greatly pleased and asked, "Is there a sadder melody than this?"

Shi Kuang replied, "There's 'Qing Jiao.'

In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor used music to assemble ghosts and deities on a grand scale.

Now, your virtue is shallow and your righteousness thin, you can't listen to such music,

Listening to it would bring disaster."

Duke Ping said, "I hope to hear the complete melody."

Reluctantly, Shi Kuang played it.

As the piece began, white clouds surged up from the northwest;

As the music continued, the wind rose, followed by rain,

Roof tiles from the corridor flew in all directions, and ministers and attendants fled.

Duke Ping was terrified. State of Jin experienced a severe drought, with no growth for three years.

The painting of Listening to the Qin 《听琴图》


Yet the guqin, merely a musical instrument,

Why can it attract external forces and perceive fortunes and misfortunes? The answer is:

"In times of political harmony, when the hearts of the people are joyful and content,

Music can guide auspicious and harmonious qi;

In times of turmoil, when the hearts of the people are anxious and distressed,

Music can accelerate the arrival of disasters,

This serves as a warning!

When the world is in decline and rituals and music are neglected,

Those in power are ignorant of the efficacy of rituals and music.

Yet, the era of Yao, Shun, and Yu is not far in the past,

Among the musicians and qin players, there were sages from time to time,

Like Shi Kuang, for instance, isn't he a sage?

As time passes and turmoil intensifies,

Even musicians and qin players will flee one after another,

Thus, those of Zhì, Gān, Liáo, and Quē clans

Perished and scattered in succession,

It's no wonder Confucius felt such deep regret!"

Excerpt from 'History of the Qin'


Authur: Zhu Changwen (Song Dynasty A.D. 1084)


Translated by Chat GPT-3.5

翻译:Chat GPT 3.5

Editing & Proofreading: Jing Guan


Original text copied from


Editing and proofreading comparing text


1. Qin (Qing Jing Daoist Guqin internal publications)


2. 读《琴史》// 师旷

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