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Guqin Workshops Information 古琴工坊信息

To reduce the budget for learning the guqin and to establish a stable guqin learning community, Raleigh Daoist Guqin Studio will be starting a guqin learning workshop every Sunday beginning next week. I hope this will help everyone continue learning the guqin at a lower cost. Everyone is welcome to come and play, drink tea, and chat. Please also feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. Thank you.

為了降低學習古琴的預算,建立穩定的古琴學習社區,下周開始每周日罗利道家古琴工作室都會開展古琴學習工坊,希望可以幫助大家用更低的成本來保持古琴學習。歡迎大家來彈琴,喝茶和聊天也歡迎大家轉發給有需要的人。謝謝。 Contact us for tickets booking or more information. 聯繫我們訂票或獲取更多信息。 Event link: 道家古琴工坊 Daoist Guqin Workshop | Raleigh Daoist Guqin (

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