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Fourteen Suitable for playing the Guqin 古琴“十四宜弹”

​by Jing Guan 作者:静观

(Photo of two pages from the Wenhui Hall Qin Score 《文会堂琴谱》二页影印件)

In the "Wenhui Hall Qin Score,"(《文会堂琴谱》) the principles of playing the qin are summarized as "Five Should Not Play," Fourteen Should Not Play," and "Fourteen Suitable for Playing." and so on. Today, let's explore the "Fourteen Suitable for Playing" from among them.


(Photo of two pages from the Wenhui Hall Qin Score 《文会堂琴谱》二页影印件)

You might be wondering what is the "Fourteen" in this term. Is it fourteen pieces of the Guqin music? Is it fourteen special days in a year? Or something else? I would like to explain it. The term of "Fourteen Suitable for Playing" actually means "Fourteen Situations for Playing the Guqin" The same meaning used in the other two terms mentioned above. Which are "Five Situations Should Not Play" and "Fourteen Situations Should Not Play".


What are these fourteen suitable situations? Please see below.


1. Encounter the Zhi Yin (kindred spirits)


(Picture of Si Ma Xiang Ru plays the Guqin for Zhuo Wen Jun 司马相如为卓文君抚琴图)

2. Meet the Ke Ren (someone who meets one's heart's desires)


(Daoist De Yi listens to Master Wu Yin playing the Guqin 道人得一听无音老师抚琴)

3. Face the Daoists


(Picture of a traditional Chinese family hall 中国传统住宅厅堂图)

4. Be in a lofty hall


(Photo of a pavilion 楼阁照片)

5. Ascend pavilions


(Photo Kai Han plays the Guqin in a Daosit Temple 韩凯于道观抚琴照片)

6. Within palaces and temples


(Photo Master Wu Yin sitting on a rock 无音老师坐于岩石照片)

7. Sit upon rocks


(Photo of a mountain 高山照片)

8.Climb the mountains


(Photo of Master Wu Yin stands below a waterfall in an open valley 无音老师于空谷中瀑布下站立)

9. rest in open valleys


(Photo of Master Wu Yin plays the Guqin near water 无音老师水边抚琴照)

10. wander by water's edge


(Photo of Master Wu Yin holds her Guqin standing in a boat 无音老师持琴立舟中照片)

11. dwell aboard boats


(Photo of Master Wu Yin plays the Guqin under a tree 无音老师树下抚琴照片)

12. rest in the woods


(Photo of a rainbow appears at Master Wu Yin's retreat 无音老师隐居处彩虹照)

13. When the two Qi (Yin & Ynag) are clear


(Photo of a bright moon taken at Master Wu Yin's retreat 无音老师隐居处明月照片)

14. In the presence of a refreshing breeze and a bright moon


The above are the fourteen situations suitable for playing the Guqin as outlined in the "Fourteen Suitable for Playing" list. As for why the ancients established these guidelines, everyone can ponder on their own, and in the future, I will also share my thoughts when the opportunity arises. For now, we'll conclude here. I hope you enjoyed this article.


The End


Thank you for your time.


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