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  • Where is your location? 请问您的地址是什么?
    We now have two locations. Kai Han's studio is at Vista View Ct, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Master Wu Yin's retreat is deep within Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunnan, China. For specific addresses, please contact Kai Han. Thank you. 我们现在有两处地址。韩凯老师的工作室在美国北卡罗利市Vista View Ct。无音老师的居所在中国云南玉龙雪山深处。具体的地址请联系韩老师获取。谢谢。
  • Do you provide or sell Guqin for students to practice with? 请问您会给学生提供或者出售古琴用来练习吗?
    We sell traditional handmade Guqin instruments. For students, you have the option to either bring your own Guqin for learning or purchase one from us. We will select or customize a suitable Guqin for you from a professional perspective. If you don't have your own Guqin and are not purchasing one temporarily, the Raleigh Guqin Studio will provide you with a free practice Guqin. For more details, please contact Kai Han for consultation. 我们出售传统手工古琴。对于学生,您可以选择自己携带古琴前来学习或者在我们这里购买古琴,我们会从专业的角度出发为您挑选或定制合适的古琴。如果您没有自己的古琴且暂时不购买,罗利古琴工作室会给您提供免费的练习古琴使用。详情请联系韩凯咨询。
  • Do you offer in-home teaching?请问您提供上门授课吗?
    If time permits, Kai Han can offer in-home teaching, but there will be an additional fee for this service. For more details, please consult Kai Han. Master Wu Yin does not provide in-home teaching. 如果时间允许,韩老师可以提供上门授课,但是需要收取额外的上门授课费用。详情请咨询韩凯老师。无音老师不提供上门授课。
  • How much is the tuition fee for your Guqin lessons? 请问您的古琴课时费标准是什么?
    The tuition fee for Guqin lessons varies based on the number of participants and duration. The studio also offers specific discounted packages. Please consult Kai Han for information on lesson fees. 古琴课时费根据人数和时常不同费用不同,工作室也提供特定的优惠折扣套餐,请咨询韩凯老师获取课时费信息。
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