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Guqin and Daoist Guqin

​by Jing Guan 作者:静观

Qingjing Daoist Guqin

(Picture of Master Wu Yin plays the Guqin 无音老师抚琴照片)

  The Guqin古琴 is a traditional Chinese musical instrument, also used as a ceremonial and meditative tool.

(Picture of different Guqin hanging on the wall at Qingjing Daoist Guqin School 清静门室内悬挂不同形制古琴图)

  The name of the Guqin古琴 has always been "qin"琴 without the character "gu"古(which means antiquity and ancient). In the early 20th century, to distinguish it from Western instruments like the piano that had entered China, the character "gu"古 was added before "qin"琴 to differentiate it.(In Chinese, piano is translated as "gang qin"钢琴,it also includes the character "qin"琴) The exact origin of the Guqin is unclear, and there are many legends in ancient texts, such as "Shennong crafting the qin", "Fuxi creating the qin" and "In the past, Shun made a five-stringed instrument, sang the Song of the South Wind, and brought harmony to the world." 【Existing pre-Qin秦 and Han汉 dynasty qin琴 music and lyrics are often attributed to figures like Yushun, King Wen, and Confucius, along with many related stories.】 (Excerpt from the preface by Liu Huairou to "The Art of Lao Mountain Guqin"崂山古琴艺术 by Lin Xuejie) Regardless of the authenticity of these legends, they all highlight the revered position of the Guqin in Chinese culture and music.

(Picture of Fuxi 伏羲画像)

  The Guqin is revered as the "instrument of the sages." Its simple and ancient form is intricately connected to various aspects of the natural world, seasons, calendars, and the human body. Its melodic sounds are harmonious and elegant. As a result, it has been cherished by literati, officials, nobles, monarchs, philosophers, Taoist practitioners, and monks alike. It is used for self-cultivation and nurturing the spirit, giving rise to the saying "A scholar should never be without his Qin琴 and Se瑟."

(Some Guqin parts' names and their images 部分古琴部位名称及它们隐含的意象)

Click pictures to source website

  Throughout history, there has been an abundance of anecdotes and legends about the Guqin and it players(I personally created a word ”Guqinists” for Guqin players). Here, I'll share a well-known story from "Lüshi Chunqiu" (The Annals of Lü Buwei) that many people are familiar with:

"In matters of virtue and excellence, there is a way to discern them. Bo Ya played the qin琴, and Zhong Ziqi listened. As Bo Ya played the qin琴 with his thoughts set on Mount Tai, Zhong Ziqi said, 'Marvelous indeed is your qin琴 playing! It is majestic like Mount Tai.' After a while, as Bo Ya played with his thoughts on flowing water, Zhong Ziqi again exclaimed, 'Marvelous indeed is your qin playing! It flows like a meandering river.' When Zhong Ziqi passed away, Bo Ya smashed his qin琴 and snapped its strings, vowing never to play the qin琴 again, believing that there would never be another person worthy enough to appreciate his qin琴 music."


(Painting of Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi 伯牙与钟子期图画)

Click pictures to source website

  The ancient Qin琴 melody "Gao Shan Liu Shui" (High Mountains and Flowing Water) that has been handed down through generations expresses the story of Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi, who connected through their mutual understanding of music that mimicked the sounds of high mountains and flowing water. This composition was later divided into two separate pieces: "Gao Shan"高山 (High Mountains) and "Liu Shui"流水 (Flowing Water). The recording of the qin琴 piece "Liu Shui" performed by Guan Pinghu管平湖 was etched onto a golden copper disk and attached to the Voyager spacecraft, which was launched into space. It continues to travel infinitely through space, enduring for billions of years and beyond. 


(Video clip of Master Wu Yin plays the Flowing Water 无音老师抚《流水》视频片段)

  "Among the numerous musical forms in China, the Guqin is the embodiment of Confucian and Daoist philosophies within music. The Daoist concept of tranquility and Wu Wei(Act without action), the detached worldly attitude, the leisure of playing the qin琴 for self-enjoyment, and the practice of breath control have all exerted certain influences on the art of Guqin. The term '禁' (jìn) prominently represents Confucian musical pedagogy and is a significant aspect of the aesthetic philosophy of guqin music. The Eastern Han东汉 Dynasty work 'Baihu Tong'《白虎通》 states: 'The qin琴 is a jìn禁. It restrains people's wickedness and guides them to the correct path; therefore, it is called qin.' The term '禁'(jìn) carries the meaning of 'restraint,' both in the context of music and individuals. In music, Confucianism promotes a state of harmony and balance, avoiding the pursuit of ostentatious external effects of sound and rejecting extreme emotional expression. In personal conduct, Confucianism advocates self-discipline and self-control. Ming Dynasty scholar Li Zhi李贽 wrote in his essay 'Qin Fu'琴赋: 'The qin琴 is the heart, the qin琴 is the chant, it is the means to chant one's heart.' Under the premise of harmony and balance, ancient people emphasized the creation of an artistic state that reflects one's inner self, expressing emotions and insights." (Excerpt from Lin Xuejie's "The Art of Lao Mountain Guqin"崂山古琴艺术)
 【在中国众多的音乐形式中,古琴是儒道思想在音乐中体现的集大成者。道家清静无为的理念、淡泊的出世心态、抚琴自娱的闲适、吐纳炼气之法都对古琴艺术产生了一定的影响。“禁”突出代表了儒家音乐的教化思想,是古琴音乐美学思想中很重要的内容。东汉《白虎通》曰:“琴者,禁也。禁人邪恶,归于正道,故谓之琴。”“禁”有“约束”的意思,是对音乐,也是对人。在音乐上儒家提倡中正平和,不追求声音华丽的外在效果,排斥情绪的极端表现,在做人上儒家倡导“自律、克己”的修身追求。明代李贽 在《琴赋》中写道:“琴者心也,琴者吟也,所以吟其心也。”古人在中正平和的大前提下,也强调艺术表现要创造有我之境,要表达内心,表达感悟。】(摘自蔺学杰《崂山古琴艺术》)

(Picture of Master Wu Yin plays the Guqin “Wu Wei”无音老师抚"无为"琴)

  Just as its literal meaning suggests, "Daoist Guqin" is a branch of the Guqin tradition that emerged and developed within Daoism and Daoist philosophy. It possesses its own distinct style, techniques, and purposes that go beyond the broader implications of Guqin music.

Picture of Jing Mu (Master Wu Yin's disciple) practices the Guqin 静幕(无音老师弟子)抚琴照片)

  In terms of style, Daoist Guqin embodies artistic characteristics such as "clarity," "emptiness," "profoundness," "truth," "stillness," "subtlety," "simplicity," and "distance." Its overall performance style is unadorned, simplifying complexity, and it does not cling to ornate melodies or techniques.

(Clouds at Qingjing Daoist Guqin School  清静门道家古琴山中云气)

  In terms of techniques, Daoist Guqin incorporates the practices of Daoist cultivation, encompassing detailed requirements for both the body and mind. Elements commonly found in Tai Chi and Qigong practices, such as "standing like a stake," "regulating the breath," "relaxing," "sinking," and "harmonizing," are similarly present in the practice of Daoist Guqin.

(When playing the Daoist Guqin, lower the shoulders and sink the elbows.


  In terms of purpose, Daoist Guqin adheres to the Daoist principles of nurturing one's health with a mindset of "clarity and emptiness for self-protection"清虚以自守 and "humility and weakness for self-sustenance."卑弱以自持 It emphasizes personal cultivation, aiming for spiritual elevation, and serves as a means to practice and embody the philosophies of "harmony with nature" and "returning to the genuine and natural state."

(Picture about cultivating and feeling Dao through the Guqin 以琴悟道图)

  The Guqin and the profound essence of Daoist Guqin indeed hold a wealth of meaning that cannot be fully conveyed in just a few words. I look forward to sharing more insights with everyone in future articles.

The End

Thank you for your time.



Vista View Ct, Raleigh, NC, USA - Kai Han

Lijiang, Yunnan, China - Master Wu Yin



Tel: 984-281-9631

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