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Daoist Guqin helps you clearing your heart, calming your energy, guiding your behaviors, cultivating your character, entering the Dao.


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Guqin Learning 

The Guqin lessons encompass the appreciation and study of Guqin music, the study and practice of Daoist Guqin techniques, while also incorporating a profound immersion into Chinese culture, art, and language. Welcome to explore and inquire about more information.



The Guqin resources page will be divided into sections to introduce knowledge and culture related to the Guqin, including Guqin studies, Guqin music, Guqinists, Guqin skills, and Guqin craftsmanship. Additionally, we will also post various activities and news related to Guqin on this page.


Daoist Guqin

A Daoist (Taoist) sits on a rock holding his Guqin on the laps.

Daoist Guqin is a unique genre within the realm of Guqin music, encompassing multiple layers of meaning. Firstly, it reflects the elegance of Daoist practitioners playing the Guqin, with its musical style and melodies unrestricted, evoking the ambiance of reclusive hermitages amidst the mountains and forests. Secondly, it represents Guqin music infused with distinctive Daoist thoughts and spiritual realms. Lastly, it encompasses the utilization of exclusive Daoist techniques and skills while practicing and performing Guqin. Overall, the essence passed down by Daoist Guqin is the cultivation of one's character and temperament, the expression of aspirations, and the pursuit of Dao through Guqin.




Kai Han 

Also known as "Jing Guan". The owner of Raleigh Daoist Guqin Studio, a Daoist Guqin disciple from the Qing Jing Daoist Guqin school. He studied under the guidance of Master Wu Yin, the founder of the Qing Jing Daoist Guqin school.


In addition, Kai Han is also a dedicated educator and a practitioner of Daoist philosophy. His expertise extends to the practice of Guqin, martial arts, Tai Chi, Qigong, Shakuhachi, meditation, etc.

Having undertaken learning journeys to various Daoist temples and dojos across China, Kai Han also gained experience teaching in both public and private schools in both China and the United States. With his diverse cultural background, extensive teaching experience, and profound understanding of Daoist Guqin, he now seeks to share the benefits of Guqin with those around him.

Whether you wish to learn Chinese culture, language, Daoist traditions through Guqin, or to improve your well-being, please don't hesitate to contact Kai Han. He offers lessons in both Chinese and English and welcomes students of all ages.

韩 凯





Master Wu Yin 

Also known as "Mu Zun". The pioneering Guqin master of the Qing Jing Daoist Guqin School.

Guided by a Daoist in her early years, Master Wu Yin went deep into the Wudang mountain. She dedicated over a decade to the focused cultivation of Daoist Guqin, integrating the essence of Dao through Guqin. 

In the autumn of 2020, Master Wu Yin emerged from seclusion and embarked on a spiritual journey. The following year, she established the Qing Jing Daoist Guqin School deep within the Yulong Snow Mountain, where the lineage of Daosit Guqin practice is preserved and its authenticity upheld.






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Vista View Ct, Raleigh, NC, USA - Kai Han

Lijiang, Yunnan, China - Master Wu Yin



Tel: 984-281-9631

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